Monday, 12 March 2018

How To fix McAfee Error 12152 or 7305 While Downloading McAfee Programs?

McAfee is considered to be the world’s largest and the most reliable security technology company. Although it works very smoothly without any bad reviews from the user. But sometimes the user may face some difficulty while going to download and install McAfee Security products. The most common error among all others is the McAfee error 12152 or 7305. Both the errors occur while downloading this McAfee products.

While going to download the security products, the message may display on the screen are:
  • An error 7305 displays on the screen.
  • Unable to continue the installation- an error12152, can pop-up, with failing of the installation process
  • Something went wrong with the installation.
The issues face by the user while downloading their products, either the download gets failed or the download gets disconnected because of the errors like 12152 or 7305. This normally happens when the user wait for the download to settle down and it takes more than 15 minutes.
There is always a solution for every problem. Below provided are the steps, to follow to solve such issues when faced. They are as follows :
Step 1- If the downloading and installing is still incomplete, while waiting for so long. Then one can do-
  • Take help from Virtual Assistant.
Tips- The Virtual Assistant will open in a new tab or window. Follow the instructions as provided and close the window or tab, after you are done.
  • Take help of the Manual steps, as provided below.
Step 2- One can download and run the Pre-install tool and McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool. Below are the steps to follow for downloading and running the Pre-install tool. They are as follows-
  • The user needs to download the Pre-Install Tool.
Tips-the file needs to saved in a temporary location, such as Desktop.
  • Now after the downloading is over, one needs to double-click the Pre-Install_Tool.exe and follow the further instructions.
  • The pop-up window will display on your screen, asking for you to go with the changes or not. Click on the Ok button to proceed.
  • After the Pre-install Tool installation gets over. Simply go with the following instructions as they were asked. Click Ok button. Then Click on the Close button and then Restart the computer.
After the computer gets restart, wait for sometime around, not more than 30 minutes. Then again try to download and install McAfee Product. Still, facing the problem? Then follow the instructions and the steps as provided for McAfee Activate Consumer Product Removal Tool.
Before one gets started with the downloading, they need to follow certain tips- they need to bookmark or put it on the favorite list so that they can come back to this article later. And they need to save all the open files and close all the programs if it's running.
Now they need to follow certain steps for successful downloading. They are as follows-
  • The user needs to download the MCPR tool.
  • After the downloading gets over, one needs to double click on exe.
  • After the clicking, if one face any security warning. Depending on the version of the Windows one uses, simply click on the button Yes, Continue and Run button.
  • Now, McAfee Software Removal Screen will appear on the screen, after it gets installed and run properly. Read the instructions and click on the Next The End User License Agreement (EULA) page will open, read them and after that click on the Agree button to proceed next.
  • After Agreeing with EULA page, the Security Validation Screen will appear on the Computer One needs to type the characters as displayed on the screen and click Next button to proceed further. This step helps in avoiding the accidental use of MCPR.
  • When whole procedure gets over, one may encounter with any of the following messages- Removal Complete or Cleanup Unsuccessful. Click on any of them, as one sees.
Please note- Make sure to download the new copy of MCPR, for every use. This will help in the latest version and the new McAfee products will be recognized.MCPR isn’t meant to clean-up 100% of components. It will only omit the components needed for re-installation. Completion of the steps will require Restart.

If you still facing the same issues, for downloading and installing the McAfee products. Then you can reach out to  team to help you up.



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