Monday, 4 December 2017

How to fix errors in already installed Office 2007 programs and features?

Office 2007 is one of the most used versions of Microsoft Office. That’s because it brings in some of the exceptional features, including the all new graphical user interface named Fluent User Interface that makes the use of Office menu as well as ribbons instead of toolbars and menu bars. Apart from this, another great feature of this worldwide popular Office suite is Office Open XML file formats.  It requires Windows XP with Server Pack 2, Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 and above versions to ensure its successful installation. At present, it is available for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android operating systemsGetting MS Office 2007 for needs device needs three steps to be followed and these three steps after the Office purchase include:
  • Download
  • Installation
  • Activate
While using MS Office features, one may find issues in using or accessing its features. This raises the need of repairing these features as well as installed program. There are two methods of repairing the problems in the already installed programs as well as features in Microsoft Office 2007. These methods are:

  • By Running the Microsoft Office Diagnostic Feature

  1. Start the Office diagnostic tool by any of these methods:

Through a menu-based Office 2007 program

  1. In this method, visit the Help menu in Office 2007
  2. Click Office Diagnostic

Through a ribbon-based Office 2007 program

  1. Click the Microsoft Office button
  2. Click Program options (in this program shows the name of the program)
  • Click Resource in the navigation pane
  1. Click Office Diagnostic
  2. Once you start the tool by any of the aforementioned ways, click Continue
  3. Hit Start Diagnostic
  4. When the tool finishes its working, click Close
Another way of running this Office diagnostic tool is from the Start menu. For this, simply open the Start menu; go on All Programs and then Microsoft Office followed by Microsoft Office tools, respectively. Now, click Microsoft Office Diagnostic.
  • By Running the Detect and Repair Feature

  1. Open Start menu
  2. For Windows XP- Click Run, type the command “appwiz.cpl” and press Enter
  3. For Windows Vista or Windows 7- In the Search programs and files box, type “appwiz.cpl” command and press Enter
  4. Enter the name of the Microsoft Office Edition 2007 you want to make changes to
  5. Click Change
  6. Now, click the option Repair and then click Continue to complete the process
However, if you still face an issue, call support team. The technicians working there will provide you the best and the instant solution of this issue. Hope the information was useful!


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